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ARMEDIL® electro-welded wire mesh has been studied to solve the concrete blocks cracking issues.
The range includes different mesh patterns for all requirements, from the standard types (ARMEDIL and ARMEDIL LIGHT) to the ones for more professional and technical applications in wire diameters 3, 4 and 6 mm.
ARMEDIL® - nominal wire diameter is 1.8 mm: this is the classic anti-crack wire mesh for those requiring a product with superior characteristics.
ARMEDIL® LIGHT - nominal wire diameter is 1.5 mm: same quality as Armedil®, but made by a different wire diameter and studied to be more competitive for large surfaces projects.
Formats: in the range are available with 100x100 mm aperture, 3, 4, and 6 mm wire diameters, 2000x2000 mm panel dimension (3 and 4 mm wire diameters) and 1600x2000 (6 mm wire diameters), all hot-dip galvanized in accordance with UNI EN 10244-2.

* Nominal wire diameter
** Galvanizing certificate / panels with overhangs