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All fences are now available in BIM
BIM is more than an acronym (incidentally Building Information Modeling). Before being a "digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of an object" as the National Institutes of Building Science defines it, BIM is actually a real cultural leap and a new construction paradigm.
Nuova Defim Orsogril believes “technique” is a strong point in its strategy and for this, is already organized to comply with the new international standards. In fact, all Nuova Defim Orsogril fence range files are available in the site "reserved" section. This is an extra service offered for anyone who believes technology is a job helper for designers, structural engineers, architects, builders, installers, specifiers and many others professional operators.
In fact, the BIM planning is not limited to visual information or rendering, but specifies the use and performance of each BIM object as part of the project or the entire processed building.
The BIM advantages are therefore now "within reach of the fence", to help this system to become a more supportive design method compared to the traditional ones.
In each file you find the model in three-dimensions containing information regarding volume and dimensions, type of material, look and technical characteristics sharable with other professionals and other IT platforms without risking loss of data.
Greater efficiency and productivity, fewer errors, less idle time, lower costs, greater joint cooperation, maximum information sharing, more precise and consistent project control. All this is BIM, now also available for Nuova Defim Orsogril products.